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Sally's Fund is a California nonprofit that offers assisted and escorted door-to-door transportation service for Laguna Beach residents who are elderly or disabled. It was founded in 1982 by a few local residents who shared a concern for frail older people who needed help to remain living independently in their homes.
Our trained drivers pick up clients at home and help them every step of their trip to medical and other appointments within a 30-mile radius of Laguna Beach. Drivers stay with a client for the duration of the appointment and bring them home safely. We take clients to the local senior center, on local shopping trips, provide food and grocery delivery, and plan occasional outings to cultural venues and eateries.
We keep seniors socially engaged, well fed, and living in their own homes for as long as possible.
Sally's Fund operates through donations and grants with a small staff and a team of volunteers. A generous contribution from the late Ann and Walter von Gremp who lived in Emerald Bay gave it its name that honors Walt’s beloved mother.

Our Board of Directors
Eric Jessen, President
Bonnie Drury, Vice President
Steven Short, Treasurer
Johanna Ellis, Recording Secretary, Assistant Treasurer
Board Members
Johann Jonas
Maura Short
Heidi Shurtleff
Elizabeth von Gremp
Jim von Gremp
Advisory Board
Stephanie Meyer
Executive Director
Rachael Berger
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